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4 Week Challenge

Hey dolls

 Please excuse the mess of the blog post but my Mac still thinks I can speak Arabic
After a holiday of over indulging and not being very active.... More like falling asleep at every given
opportunity haha, I have decided I want to set myself a mini fitness goal

Starting Monday I want to exercise on a daily basis, whether it be going for a run, a walk or doing some squats and ab work in my front room. I want to start incorporating excise into my daily routine. One question I get asked so often is, if exercise is necessary to help with weight loss. For me, the first month and a half was down to my diet 100% I ate properly and avoided all junk food. In the last few months I have tried to be more active and go for regular runs/walks.

I really want to be able to run long distance. I find running releases so much stress and I always feel a million times better after it. It releases happy endorphins and over all has an amazing impact on your fitness. I will also be doing a mini workout at home and will try do 30 minutes a day. Once I have come up with my exercise plan I will share it with you. On top of all this I will be still doing my personal training session with Damy from Method Fitness. The pain of my muscles after a workout with Damy is nothing I could ever achieve on my own. He really pushes me and makes me do things I never thought I could. I will also share mine and Damy's workout plan so that you too can do the exercises from the comfort of you own home or in you local park.

I would love for you all to get involved and if you need more motivation you should join the group I set up on Facebook called The7amClub. It is such an amazing environment where everyone shares ideas, tips recipes and inspiration. I would love if you tagged me on Instagram or FaceBook in your fitness pictures and use the hashtag #FacesByGrace4WeekChallenge.

Starting Monday fresh and active

I hope to see you all join in

Stay healthy & happy

Love Grace xox

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