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Cooperative can be taught

About 2 years ago my daughter was diagnosed by abscess on her upper gum, caused by cavities on her teeth on that area. She used to be very difficult, reject her teeth to be brush and ended up in vomiting. Not that we've tried to help her out by bringing her to doctors and dentists but all of them saying because she is uncooperative there's nothing can be done to help her cavities fixed.

So things got worst and her gum is swollen, we brought her to a pediatrician that claim that it's only allergy. Filled with disbelieved we brought her to a hospital and after seeing a nurse, pediatrician, and dentist, she was diagnosed with dental cavities that lead to infection. The hospital put us an appointment for a specialist dentist for 3 months later, they are fully booked and didn't care about the urgency of the situation. But a lady who work at the hospital help us by giving us a card, a brilliant dentist just open his new clinic and that is his business card, equipped with his clinic's details.

We called and (thank God) another patient just canceled an appointment that day, so we rush there and met him. He was upset by how other dentist rejected to treat my daughter and leave her condition worsen. He treated my gal and settled a date for a surgery to remove her infected teeth. He gave us the best price too (believe me, I checked every where. he is the most compassionate dentist that not just care his patient but their financial welfare). He not just extracted the teeth that was infected but do some filling, cleaned and polished the rest of her teeth. Altogether that could cost 5 or 6 times the amount he charged us.

The first time we went there my daughter was never been so uncooperative. She kicked everyone, screaming and crying, but the Dr. Rashid know there's things to be done, and it is more important. He is tough but dont get me wrong he is the most caring dentist we know. Now time flies and my daughter grew to be a girl who really likes her dentist. When I told her it's almost time to see the dentist she was so excited and cheerful. She even kept on bragging how nice her dentist is.

So parents all out there please learn from my experience, yes a cooperative child is indeed lovely but when it's time to get tough we need to taught them to be brave and embrace what comes before us. And yes, cooperative can be taught for they own benefit.

Find Dr. Rashid at www.thekidsdentist.com.sg

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