It's season finale time and i'm gonna comment the two thousand shows i'm currently watching, i had to catch up on a ton of shows and even though it took me a while it's time to comment them (Spoilers ahead!):

Game of Thrones - even though some things remain the same, Daenerys is still fierce as fuck and my poor Sansa is still pretty much screwed, the finale was superb though i really think the episode before the finale is always better than the final one (i can't get over 'Baelor' from season 1 and how amazing was when all the warriors started saying "Halfmen" out loud in 'Blackwater'). But still, this show is literally the best thing on tv, it gets better and better and better and it sucks big time that we have to wait a year to watch more. Special mention to the Drogo scene, he still melts my heart when he says "Moon of my life".

Grey's Anatomy - This show used to have the best seasons finales ever by far (season 2's and 5's finales were mind blowing) but the last two seasons have been so meh that the finale was meh along (was it an homage to 'Lost' or lack of ideas?). i'm still gonna watch the final season but i hope it ends as it deserves, with a great, amazing finale but i do not appreciate Lexie dying, that was unnecessary and the character deserved a better ending.

90210 - A season finale with a wedding? omg, how original. I really don't know how this show is still on and i really don't know why i am still watching it but well, i liked the return of Teddy as Silver's future baby daddy, so i guess i'm gonna keep on watching, so sad.

2 Broke Girls - This show started sooo good but it hasn't gone better, just the same. Same jokes, basically no plot (cupcakes business as the main plot, really?) and they didn't develop the hipster hottie story, though i was glad they at least put an end to it on the finale.

Hart of Dixie - This show also started really good but it's annoying how Zoe Hart cannot let that man go, he's not even hot to begin with, especially when there's Wade around, but well, still watching the second, and i assume, final season.

New Girl - Ths show didn't really impress me at the beginning but has grown on me, mainly because of the characters and the charming and nerdy Zooey Deschanel. The finale was ok but i definately want to watch more.
Make it or Break it - This wasn't a season finale but a show finale! It was cancelled after only a few episodes of the new season and it was such a shame... luckily, the show had closure and we got to know who was going to the Olimpics but it sucks hard that we won't see that. No matter how obvious the stunt doubles' work was, i enjoyed MIOBI endelessly and i would have loved that it had at least the full season to end.
Thankfully, i'm not out of shows and i still have 'Girls', 'Pretty Little Liars' and 'True Blood' to watch, there's also 'Cougar Town' but it doesn't count, i only watch it when i don't have anything else though it's fun.
sources: whenthesunrisesinthewest, badnair, simplyicity-sophisticated, whereaflorwerblooms, tveeshows, yearinmedia, kobaltcruz,
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