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Spring Flowers!

A non-makeup related post today just to mix it up.

I love gardening.  My mom's enthusiasm for it definitely rubbed off on me when I was growing up.  She has an amazing garden that is constantly growing and changing.  There is always something new in it whenever I visit.

I thought I would show you some of the flowers blooming in my garden at the moment (there aren't many yet since it's still been cold here in Michigan...).

Crocuses (my favorite spring flower since it's one of the very first to bloom)


Pulmonaria (aka Lungwort)

Dwarf Iris (this one was almost done blooming when I took this picture, so it's not looking it's best...)
I wish I had some daffodils...

I can't wait for more flowers to come up and bloom!  What's growing in your garden?

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