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Dave Zirin upset at Jackie Robinson West little league decision

Herbert Gilbert
   Dave Zirin is a political sports writer who is also up there with the ingest race hustlers in America making every topic in his sports column about race. He blasted the little league official decision to strip the black Jackie Robinson West team as flag aren't racism and that the issue should be about enlarging inner city district borders for little league teams.
Hardly anyone shod be surprised that someone like Dave Zirin. Would be right on top of is as a lead column  and broadcast. Zirin was very upset by this attempt to deny the Robinson team its rightful historical spot as the first all-black kids team to win the little league World Series and he hopes legal action will reverse this decision. Zirin says this victory made great strides for promoting the sport in an urban setting where the kids come from rough neighborhoods where poverty is epidemic and that this hold somehow justify the rule breaking by the adults involved with this club. Nope. All because they come from a bad neighborhood shouldn't affect the rightful decision for rules on boundary districting for teams involved in this stud ass tournament that is suppose to be about the best local team of youth baseball and not an all-star team from a big city. Zirin makes this an issue a d if this team had even from Boise, Idaho he wouldn't give a rats shit about this decision. Dave shows his obvious racial biases in his contempt for those who would end the championship claims of this crooked team that actually ruined the dreams of other youths and teams from all over the world who legally presented their local teams. The fact that these teams were made up of mostly Asian and white kids is irrelevant to journalist scum like Dave Zirin who proudly proclaim their reverse racial biases in their writings on sports issues such as this cheating team from the South side of Chicago

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