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Larry Nassau grts two hundred year sentence for puss massages while Black savage killer Carlton Franklin seven no time for rape torture murder

Bradly Austin
Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar has received a public humiliation like no other and an unbelievable sent ace forassagibg young gymnastics in the wrong place at the wrong time. The amount of time this man has to serve was way stronger than sentancestors deat to some of the most brutal killers this nation has ever seen and the amount of hatred and disdain Mr Nassau has received should be reserved  for real rapiests,serial killers,maniacs in society that prowl the streets and whose crimes are more brutal and tossed often covered up to prevent the racial aspect revenge hate murders since the civil rights era. Case in point one Carlton Franklin who has a teen broke into the home in Westfield New Jersey in March of 1976 of leena Turino, a white fifty year old single woman, and hogtied her,beat her, raped her, and then brutally stabbed her to peices. This is just one of thousands of black on white murders in the seventies that are  only know decades later coming out and being exposed through DNA technology of the brutal racial murders commuted upon blacks on non blacks that has been a feature part of Amdrica.pretty and post civil rights ceramic and likely explains the Souths attitudes towards these people following slavery.  When DNA evidence finally coraled this racist of piece if shut genocidal type killer juvenile laws were applied where MR Franklin did the have to see a sent ace anywhere near the sentence handed to one Mr Nasser. The bad fochord crimes don't come anyhere to the torture murder if Carlton Franklin as a 17 year old and in anothe era and time he wukd if been hanging from a tree alas most lynchings of blacks in American history were if accused psychotic  rapiests killers like Mr Franklin. It is remarkable that a Mr Franklin is not serving a life sent ace with five hundred years for this brutal murder committed upon this poor woman who like many of our dome in America died an agonizing death at hands of a black racial addicted black man I America yet media  and  other  liberals in  society wish to cover up the Carlton Franklin killers and focus so much anger at gymnastics doctors playing pokemon

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